วันเสาร์ที่ 13 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Tukkee Sudarud Budpom

Tukkee is Comedy stardom be famous. She is star funny in Thailand. His name Sudarud Budpom she was born 15 March 1979. She is small shape bigeyes and bold expression. She is rural children she has a dream difficult to stardom bud she poor.

Bud she
attempt complete. I like she on show funny because they show full. Tukkee into the industry first actors wear a caretaker thereafter a senior Mom Teng Neung try to see him play audiences love him more.

The first player she is '' Ching roi ching lan '' Yam ya so thon 1 and 2 and many. She is not beautiful, but to her intentions

